duminică, 20 martie 2011

Taratele de psyllium in alimentatie/ Psyllium husk in alimentation

 De mult mi-am propus sa fac fotografii ingredientelor si mancarurilor pe care le consum zilnic...sau de cateva ori pe saptamana in orice caz. Cum nu am acest noroc, o sa postez doar la sfarsit de saptamana si una si alta. Dupa unele trebuie sa "alerg" mai mult iar dupa altele...e alta poveste. M-am gandit sa incep cu taratele de psyllium care sunt un ajutor pretios in dieta oricarui om, mai ales in dieta raw-veganilor. Folosite in mancaruri, bauturi, dulciuri sau chiar in celebrul  (sau aproape celebrul) Colon Cleanse (sau colon help??? i dont know), taratele de psyllium au un dublu impact. Primo- leaga tot ce contine cat de cat lichid, segundo-"matura" toxinele din organism, ajutand la curatarea lui. Daca esti constipat sau reversul, taratele isi fac datoria fara sa ceara vreun ban...doar apa. Caci fara apa ele nu isi fac datoria. In plus, nu este indicat sa le consumi si sa nu bei apa caci poti ajunge la ocluzie intestinala. Sunt indicate in cura de slabire, luate cu jumatate de ora inainte de a servi masa caci, ajutate de apa, se umfla in stomac si dau o senzatie de satietate.

Departe de mine gandul sa imi insusesc ceva, chiar si un text sau informatii. Pentru ca azi nu este o zi in care sa ma simt ok, cu scuzele de rigoare, nu fac altceva decat sa fac copy/paste la niste textulete care stiu sigur ca o sa va ajute pe multi dintre voi...si pe mine, sa nu uitam.

Taratele de Psyllium

Psyllium… sau inul alb indian, este, alaturi de inul cel negru sau de inul cel auriu, alaturi de semintele de chia, unul dintre cele mai fibroase alimente de pe fata pamantului. Tarata de psyllium contine de 14 ori mai multe fibre solubile decat ovazul, apreciat pana nu demult pentru continutul sau de fibre. 100 g psyllium contin 71 g fibre solubile, aceeasi cantitate de ovaz − doar 5 g fibre solubile!
Taratele de psyllium sunt recunoscute pentru efectul deosebit de eficient de eliminarea placii (tecii) mucoide (placa cea nesuferita de mucus care acopera in totalitate tractul nostru digestiv, impiedicand incapatanat bunele schimburi de nutrienti – toxine din corp).

Taratele de psyllium sunt recomandate deopotriva in diaree si constipatieconstipatiilor rezistente la tratament, specialistii recomanda din ce in ce mai des administrarea de psyllium, deoarece acestea nu actioneaza agresiv ca celelalte laxative obisnuite.

O sinteza recenta arata ca psyllium nu amelioreaza in mod direct durerea asociata sindromului colonului iritabil, insa imbunatateste si regleaza functiile digestive ale pacientilor cu aceasta afectiune.
deoarece ele au un rol de reglare. In cazul

In diaree, mucilagiul de psyllium absoarbe excesul de lichid din fecale si incetineste eliminarea continutului intestinului. Mucilagiul absoarbe in mod egal toxinele din surse externe (substantele cancerigene) si pe cele din surse interne (produse de bacteriile si parazitii intestinali).

In acelasi timp, psyllium incurajeaza inmultirea bacteriilor prietenoase, asa cum sunt Lactobacillus acidophilous si bifidobacteriile, care ajuta la reglarea functiei intestinale.

Administrarea unei doze de 5 g de psyllium de doua ori pe zi da rezultate foarte bune in hipercolesterolemie.

Cercetatorii de la Universitatea Ottawa au observat ca pentru reducerea colesterolului, taratele de psyllium sunt mai eficiente decat regimul cu un continut scazut de grasimi. De asemenea, semintele de psyllium permit reducerea dozelor medicamentelor de sinteza in tratarea dislipidemiilor.

Au un rol deosebit in reglarea glicemiei, deoarece impiedica trecerea rapida a glucozei din tubul digestiv in sange. Administrat in cure de 3 luni, ajuta pe diabetici sa piarda in greutate. Un lucru foarte important pentru diabeticii de tip II, care sunt obezi in cele mai multe cazuri. Psyllium poate reduce nivelul glucozei sangvine in cazul diabeticilor de tip II.

Consumul de Psyllium este recomandat pentru combaterea constipatiei, reducerea colesterolul sangvin (daca se respecta un regim sarac in grasimi), scade nivelul glucozei din sange (prin faptul ca nu permite absorbtia ei in intestin) trateaza diareea, ajuta in caz de colita ulceroasa si sindrom al colonului iritabil.

In raw food [buctaria vegana cruda], psyllium este cu deosebire valoros caci (marindu-si de 16 ori volumul), leaga orisice compozitie: transforma laptele din nuci si seminte in budica, transforma pure-ul din mere in tort de mere, intareste compozitia de chiftelute, painici, etc. In plus, da "pufosenie" mancaricilor in care ii adaugat (si cat de greu ii de obtinut asta in raw) si nu are gust personal: prin urmare poate fi adaugat in... orice... fara a schimba gustul intentionat :-).


Pysllium Husk (Ispaghula or Isabgol) is renowned worldwide as a fiber supplement. It’s of Middle East origin and strongly believed to work wonders in weight loss. With its high dietary fiber content, it has been considered effective in flushing toxins while binding to fats therefore leading to weight loss.
In the past, Psyllium Husk has also been used to relieve constipation and was particularly used by the Indians and Arabs as medicine. Today, Psyllium is not only recognized for its medicinal properties, but weight loss benefits as well. 
Psyllium Husk produces softer, bulkier stool at regular intervals which relieves constipation.  When our body fails to function well to have regular bowel movement, all toxins are stuck inside making us uneasy. The trapped toxins can produce harmful bacteria that make us ill. Taking high fiber supplement like Psyllium saves us from stomach distress and sickness. Psyllium Husk acts like a huge sponge once in our body. It absorbs water, cleans the colon walls, initiates stimulating contraction and passes the toxins out through stool. We should always drink plenty of water when taking high fiber supplements to help them work better on our digestive system.
Besides being a remedy for constipation, Psyllium Husk can also help in relieving diarrhea. When a person has diarrhea, the colon holds excess water so, the Psyllium Husk absorbs the toxic water while passing through stool. This serves as an effective way to keep our digestive systems in good condition! This fiber can also help those who suffer from Hemorrhoids, which allows passing out stools easier and less painful because it helps in softening stool.
Alongside the health benefits of Psyllium Husk, losing weight is another interesting benefit that turns out to be everybody’s favorite! The bulk effect makes us have a feeling of fullness thus keeping us off unhealthy eating habits. This effect saves us from hundreds of calorie intake we get from junk foods. Unlike many weight loss remedies today, Psyllium Husk does not have any fat burning property; instead it blocks fats from being assimilated into the body by quickly flushing out the fats through stools.
Regular intake of Psyllium Husk promotes in losing extra pounds from stuck body toxins.  Regular exercise and healthy diet while taking Psyllium Husk will greatly help to speed up losing unwanted body fats.


Having psyllium husk for weight loss is better than oat bran which has about five grams of fiber per third of a cup compared with the 71 grams per third of a cup that psyllium husk has to offer. The husk is the covering of the seeds grown on the plant Plantago psyllium and it grows mainly in the Middle East.
Those suffering from bowel conditions like constipation like diarrhea and constipation can benefit from the intake of psyllium husk as fiber absorbs water but is not digested. This results in bulkier but softer stool that easily passes out of the system.
Psyllium husk is one of the most simplest and effective herbs for weight loss. It is also an effective antidote for many conditions related to the digestive tract like colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, dysentery and conditions of the genito-urinary tract. The oil in the embryo of the seed contains fifty percent linoleic acid that has been used as preventive measure for atherosclerosis.      Even conditions like high blood pressure and heart disease can be dealt with by the use of psyllium husk.
Weight watchers will greatly benefit from this herb as it barely has any side effects and it’s pretty good. Initial use may result in flatulence and bloating but these are minor problems as the body is adjusting to all that fiber. Those watching their carbohydrate intake might not be taking cereals and whole grains which are an important source of fiber. In these cases psyllium husk helps to fill in the gap and in a healthier way too.


Despite the US National Library of medicine's Medline Plus assertion that "body weight reduction has not been proven to be associated with psyllium use in adults," many still believe that psyllium husks can help with weight loss. This is because, as a source of natural dietary fibre, it increases the feelings of fullness in the stomach after a meal, and as a bulk forming laxative, promotes bowel regularity and excretion of fat in stools, thereby preventing its storage in the body.
They have an "A" grade rating in the treatment of high cholesterol, "B" ratings for treatment of constipation, and diarrhea, and "C" ratings for prevention of anal fissures, colon cancer, promotion of fat secretion in stools, and treatment of hemorrhoids, hyperglycemia, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
According to Body and Fitness website, psyllium husks are:
"almost universally recognized as a premier source of dietary fiber, a useful substance to regulate the bowels, and a safe and effective constipation and diarrhea remedy. It can aid in the treatment of obesity and overeating by instilling a sense of fullness."
Although contra indicated in pregnant women or those with bowel narrowing or obstruction, due to it's bulk forming nature, otherwise healthy adults should experience no adverse side effects from using psyllium husks provided they drink plenty of water with the supplements, otherwise they could cause "chocking or intestinal blockage."
Recommendations for dietary fiber intake for adults range from 20 to 35 grams per day, or 10 to 13 grams per 1,000 calories. Most adults in the US eat less than half this recommended daily amount. Doses ranging from 2.2 to 45 grams daily, have been used in studies. For children recommended doses are up to 16 grams daily.

Psyllium husks are the seed coats, or husks, of various plantain plants, and are available whole, in powdered, capsule or tablet form. Although the tablet or capsule form may be more convenient, experts generally agree the most effective way to take it is in powdered form, with a glass of water 1-3 times a day. If you are primarily taking it to help with weight loss, the recommendation is to take it 20-30 minutes before a meal, so that you feel fuller when you sit down to eat.


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